Wednesday, March 28, 2007

My Girls...

Just wanted to take a second to thank God for the incredible friends that He's given me. A favorite verse of mine is Psalm 68:6, "God sets the lonely in families, he leads forth the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land." I truly believe that God has given me my physical family and a family of friends that serve as evidence of His faithfulness. So I thank these women who will stand with my at my wedding and are a beautiful picture of God's friendship to His children!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

So Excited for My Man!

My amazing fiance will be graduating with his BA in just a little over a month! And then just one month after that he'll be turning 26. I'm incredibly proud of how hard he's worked especially over the last year. I love him so much!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

My Belle

That's my girl! Michele turned 20 this month and I just wanted to share some of the awesome memories that we've had together. Shell is my best friend and an incredible sister. God totally hooked me up when He put her in the Gray family!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Scoop...

Here’s the official engagement story—right after midnight on New Years with the fireworks going off--a little too close to our heads to be considered actually romantic--Dave asked me to marry him. Everyone had been relentless for the last several days harrassing Dave about asking me when he was going to propose. But believe it or not, I was actually very surprised when he asked. It's not as if he hadn't had opportunity...just earlier that same night we were playing Mad Gab and Dave had to read a card that said "Wheel Yum Air Ream He?" That’s right. Read it out loud… Yup, he asked me to marry him completely by accident. I was the person checking him so it made for a totally unplanned proposal. As everyone but I knew, Dave had the ring in his pocket the entire time. But it wasn't until later that evening that he said the words intentionally. To which my dad responded with a hearty, "FINALLY!"

The Beginning...

Tracing all the way back to Trinity College in 2002, who would have thought the two of us would be together? But here we are, and our life together is just beginning! From the moment Dave proposed on January 1st of 2007, we've only grown closer and more grateful for the long, rather complicated history that we share . As amazed as we are at how our relationship has grown, there is so much peace in knowing that God is sovereignly working in our lives. We're not the ones planning our lives together--we're prayerfully submitting to His plan for our lives.